Getting rid of unused medications.
Whether you have expired drugs or medications you no longer use, here are some safe ways to dispose of expired, unwanted or unused medicine.
If you have any questions, call 1-877-836-9925.

Where and How to Dispose of Unused Medications
Drug Take Back Programs
There are both local and national drug take back programs that provide an easy, safe, and responsible way of getting rid of any unused or old medications. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsors National Prescription Drug Take Back Days across the U.S. You can check with your local law enforcement officials to find a take back location near you or by searching the DEA-authorized disposal locations online.
If you have any questions, a member of the SelectRx team can also help you find a drop-off or mail-back program available to you.
Disposing of Medications at Home
Aside from the drug take back programs, there are two ways you can get rid of medications at home.

1. Flushing medicines
Some medications could be especially harmful to others and should be flushed down a sink or toilet when they are no longer needed. These medications will often have these specific directions included on the label or the pamphlet included with your prescription. If you’re unsure, it can be helpful to check with your pharmacist or check the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s list of medication that they recommend flushing when disposing of them. As a reminder, a medication should only be flushed if it is included on the flush list.

2. Throwing medicines in the trash
Many medications (except for those on the flush list) can be thrown into your household trash if a take back program is not available. This includes pills, liquids, drops, patches and creams that are both prescription and over-the-counter. Be sure to take the following precautions when throwing away any old or unused medications:
Remove the medicines from their original container, dissolve with hot water if possible and mix with something else (like coffee grounds or cat litter).
If necessary, put the mixture in something that can be closed (such as a storage bag or empty can) to prevent it from leaking or spilling.
Make sure all of your personal information is removed from any packaging that is also being thrown away.
If you have any questions about getting rid of old medications, feel free to reach out to our team at 1-877-836-9925